Civil Justice Warriors

Personal Injury

Why Dog Bites Are a Huge Problem for Mail Carriers

If you’ve watched an American sitcom in the past 50 years, you’ve probably seen the stereotypical image of a dog chasing a mailman. Unfortunately, the reality of the United States Postal Service’s relationship with family dogs is nowhere near as charming. According to VICE and the USPS itself, more than 5,800 mail carriers suffered dog bites and attacks in 2019. Texas was…

Take a Second Look at Your Hand Sanitizer – It Could Be Toxic

On July 19, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled less than 10 Eskbiochem hand sanitizers for methanol contamination. By August 12, the FDA’s list of contaminated hand sanitizers had grown to 149 products – and it continues to grow every day. As of August 13, even, the list contained 157 entries. Now, methanol contamination is not the only concern…

Shocking Dallas Road Rage Incident Caught On Tape

A fender-bender on a busy Dallas highway quickly spun out of control at around 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 15. A black and white Ford Crown Victoria rear-ended a truck and continued driving. About ¼ mile down the road (westbound on 1-20 at 1-35 in Dallas County), the Ford broke down and the maroon truck involved in the accident pulled over. The…

Be Careful What You Grill This Summer

Thousands of Pounds of Ground Beef Recalled in June 2020 As if fears of COVID-19 aren’t enough to deal with this summer, Americans should also be aware of a massive ground beef recall announced on June 13, 2020. Lakeside Refrigerated Services has recalled approximately 42,922 pounds of ground beef for fears of E. coli – just in time for Father’s Day cookouts….

Who Is to Blame If a Self Driving Car Crashes?

Controversial Uber and Tesla Accidents Inspire Questions On March 18, 2018, a self-driving Uber struck and killed an Arizona woman who was walking her bike across the street in the first recorded pedestrian fatality involving an autonomous vehicle. Similarly, Tesla has a “worrisome record” of its vehicles being in fatal accidents while its controversial Autopilot feature is engaged. Across the board, people…

What Makes an Injury Catastrophic?

In short, a catastrophic injury is one that prevents you from working. The legal definition of a catastrophic injury is established in Chapter 42 § 3796 b of the United States Code. It reads: “catastrophic injury means an injury, the direct and proximate consequences of which permanently prevent an individual from performing any gainful work.” Examples of Catastrophic Injuries Using the definition…

The Consequences of Dallas Street Racing

Citations, Criminal Charges, and Accidental Deaths Stunts and street racing have gone up in Dallas since stay-at-home orders went into effect. Groups of drivers have blocked highways and started spinning donuts in busy intersections. On the first weekend of May alone, Dallas police “seized dozens of vehicles and handed out hundreds of tickets,” according to Fox 4 News. The Dallas Police Department…

With COVID-19, Car Accidents Are Down, But Reckless Driving Is Up

Approximately 270 million Americans are under stay-at-home orders in the United States. As such, there are fewer drivers on the road. Consequently, researchers at the University of California, Davis (UCD) have noted a 60% drop in car accidents in California. While car accidents are proven to be going down in California and traffic injuries and fatalities have fallen from 400 to 200…

What Kind of Evidence is Needed in an Insurance Bad Faith Claim?

To file a successful insurance bad faith claim, you will need substantial evidence that your insurance provider violated your contract and denied your claim under questionable terms. To prove that your denial was an act of bad faith rather than a fair denial, you must present thorough details on your agreement with your insurance provider and the ways in which the company…

Labor Day: Perks and Problems

This year, Labor Day falls on Monday, September 2nd. While the holiday can be a fun time for travel and celebration, it can also lead to dangers on the road. If you’re planning to travel, or even if you’re staying in for a family BBQ, a few tips and tricks can make your holiday as fun and safe as possible. Safety Tips…