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Dallas Car Accident Lawyer

A car accident can change your life in an instant. You may be left with severe injuries, significant medical bills, and an inability to return to work. However, you don’t have to deal with the financial fallout, stress, and frustration alone.

If you were involved in a car wreck in Dallas, you can count on a personal injury attorney at MR.LAW Accident & Injury Attorneys to be by your side. Our Dallas car accident attorneys work to build a tailored case strategy focused on helping you obtain as much compensation as possible for your injuries.

Contact MR.LAW Accident & Injury Attorneys in Dallas Today

While car accidents might be prevalent personal injury claims, every case demands individualized attention to secure the rightful compensation for the victim. At MR.LAW Accident & Injury Attorneys, our Dallas-based personal injury attorneys provide personalized attention to your case, ensuring you receive the justice you deserve. 

Reach out to our Dallas car accident lawyers online or call (469) 689-0200 today to schedule your car accident case evaluation.

  • What Are Some Common Causes of Car Accidents

    Car accidents can occur in a variety of ways. Given the power and size of these vehicles, we take for granted the impact that a mishandled vehicle could have on our lives. The way in which motor vehicle crashes occur can have an influential impact on the best legal strategy to pursue just compensation.

    • Speeding – A driver who exceeds the required speed limit or drives too quickly may lose control of their car. If a collision occurs, the accident at high speeds can potentially result in severe injuries.
    • Untimely Weather – Driving in extreme weather conditions requires drivers to take proper care when driving. Drivers are also expected to upkeep routine maintenance to make sure their care is in working order. Reckless driving or negligence to maintain the condition of the vehicle could result in a serious accident.
    • Distracted Driving – Driving occurs so much that a motorist might take the difficult nature of maintaining a high-speed vehicle for granted. Distractions, such as cell phones, the radio, or children/other passengers, could potentially take the motorist’s eyes off the road. Even a split second of distracted driving could have serious consequences.
    • Reckless Driving – Some drivers are simply reckless and blatantly disregard basic traffic laws. Excess speeding, swerving in and out of lanes, and disobeying traffic signs are all forms of reckless behavior that greatly increase the risk of an accident occurring.
    • Driving While Intoxicated – Drugs or alcohol can affect the sensory perception and impair the response speed of a driver. Drunk driving can have devastating consequences.
    • Driving Tired – Driving when exhausted can lead to drowsy driving. Sleepy driving affects a driver’s ability to maneuver a vehicle safely and respond actively in an emergency situation.
    • Failure To Give Way – When required, drivers must yield to pedestrians and other drivers. Someone who runs a red light and accelerates on a crosswalk may result in an accident.
    • Tailgating – Following another car too closely inhibits a driver from slowing down or stopping in order to avoid danger on the road or if traffic ahead comes to a halt.
  • Common Injuries Found in Car Accidents

    Vehicular accidents may end up in tragic injuries that have long-term consequences on one’s health, wealth, and future. Some accidents that may occur as a result of a car accident include:

  • Common Car Accident Scenarios and How to Avoid Them

    No one chooses to be in a car accident. While some car accidents cannot be avoided, others are preventable. Knowing common car accident scenarios can keep drivers from becoming accident statistics.

    A few of the most common car accident types are rear-end collisions, t-bone accidents, and single-car accidents.

    • Rear-end collisions. In a rear-end collision, one vehicle collides with the back end of another. The following driver is usually liable for the accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 29% of all accidents are rear-end collisions;
    • T-bone accidents. A T-bone accident may also be called a side-impact collision or a broadside accident. In these accidents, the front end of one car collides with the passenger side of another creating a “T” shape. T-bone accidents generally occur at intersections; and
    • Single-car accidents. Single-car accidents only involve one car, but this does not mean the driver is liable for the accident. In most single-car accidents, the car collides with an inanimate object like a tree or a highway structure.

    Avoiding Common Car Accidents

    Avoid common car accidents by focusing on driving. One of the most deadly activities practiced by drivers today is distracted driving.

    Distracted driving is driving while your attention is focused on some other task. The most deadly form of distracted driving is texting.

    Other ways drivers are distracted include:

    • Eating;
    • Talking on a cell phone;
    • Using GPS;
    • Reading;
    • Driving drowsy;
    • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
    • Talking to backseat passengers.

    Paying attention to the weather can also prevent accidents. Drivers should know their local forecasts and road conditions.

    When roads are wet, drivers need greater stopping distances, and vehicles can hydroplane on wet roads. It is wise to always keep a safe following distance regardless of conditions.

    Safe following distances can prevent rear-end accidents in inclement weather, heavy traffic, or in the event of an unforeseen road hazard. Avoiding road hazards is easier when drivers are anticipating sudden stops.

    Drivers should always be ready to stop even when they are the only vehicle on the road. Doing so can help to avoid single-car accidents in unanticipated circumstances.

    Drivers need to follow all traffic rules and regulations. Speeding is the leading cause of car accidents in Dallas. Speeding is illegal and leaves a driver open to full accident liability even if an accident was only partially their fault.

  • What To Do After A Car Accident?

    If your injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, you are entitled to hold the other motorist accountable for their actions. To ensure that you can preserve the claims you can bring against the other driver, be sure to do the following steps:

    • Call an Officer to Conduct a Police Report. Serious accidents must be investigated by the authorities. A police report can be a strong piece of evidence that you can use to refute the claims of the other side.
    • Gather information of fellow driver/s and witnesses. While the cops might offer to take your information, be sure to still do your due diligence and gather all the contact and insurance information of those involved in the accident so you can follow up as necessary.
    • Document the scene. Take photos of the damage and other necessary evidence.
    • Seek immediate medical attention. Documentation of your medical state following an accident is a crucial piece of evidence.
    • Consider getting an evaluation of your vehicle. By having an examiner look at your vehicle, you will have a sense of how much the accident will cost and how that fits in with your insurance policy.
    • Consider reaching out to a Dallas car accident lawyer. A lawyer from the get-go can be crucial to ensure you do not say anything to an insurer or opposing lawyer that might be difficult to retract.
  • What Can a Dallas Car Accident Lawyer Do For Me?

    Lawsuits need planning, attention to detail, and adherence to stringent deadlines. In fact, even assessing whether a lawsuit is proper requires a realistic view of your claim. A Dallas auto accident lawyer can provide you with specialized assistance and guidance from experts who have handled hundreds of cases.

    Lawyers can assist beyond just determining how to file a legal claim. When you are unsure who to visit after a car crash, our Dallas car accident lawyers can assist you in finding an adequate care provider, preserving evidence, handling insurance calls, assisting in advice for car damage evaluation, and walking you through the claim, settlement, and trial process.

  • 2022 Dallas Car Crash Statistics

    As of the 2020 Census, there were over 1.3 million people living in Dallas. Dallas is the third largest city in Texas and the ninth most populous in the United States.

    Sadly, in 2022, Dallas also saw the third-highest number of traffic crashes and the second-highest number of fatalities from crashes in Texas. The 2022 TxDOT motor vehicle accident statistics for Dallas are as follows:

    • 33,980 total crashes
    • 212 fatal crashes which led to 228 deaths;
    • 1,004 serious accidents with 1,182 serious injuries;
    • 3,971 minor injury accidents with 5,448 minor injuries;
    • 5,320 possible injury accidents resulting in 8,825 possible injuries;
    • 20,970 non-injury accidents with 59,234 non-injured vehicle occupants,
    • 2,503 accidents of unknown severity and unknown injuries to 12,633 vehicle occupants; and
    • 1,055 DUI (alcohol) accidents which led to 60 fatalities.

    Many of the above auto accidents, injuries, and fatalities were preventable. Thankfully Dallas is taking steps to improve road safety for its residents and visitors.

    In June 2022, the Dallas City Council unanimously passed a Vision Zero action plan seeking to eliminate traffic deaths and severe injuries by improving road safety.

    The action plan includes at least 40 steps and recommendations for Dallas to reduce auto accident deaths which could cost $30 million. However, Vision Zero could save lives, and improve traffic conditions and road safety for the city’s residents and visitors.

  • Texas Car Accident Laws

    Texas Is A Fault-Based Insurance State

    Recovery in motor vehicle crashes depends on state insurance law. Texas is a fault-based insurance state. This means that the party liable for the motor vehicle accident is responsible for any resulting injuries and property loss.

    When an at-fault party has car insurance, any damages claim is filed against their car insurance company. Texas requires drivers to carry minimum liability insurance in the event of an accident.

    Texas minimum liability coverage is currently set at:

    • $30,000 for each injured person;
    • Up to $60,000 per accident; and
    • $25,000 for property damage per accident.

    However, drivers may opt to carry more coverage as this is the lowest coverage available. If car accident injuries exceed an at-fault driver’s coverage, an injured party can personally sue the driver for the difference.

    Texas Follows the Modified Comparative Fault Rule

    Texas follows the modified comparative fault rule. Under this rule, injured drivers who sue to recover damages exceeding an at-fault driver’s insurance must prove the other driver caused the accident.

    If the court finds both parties shared fault for the accident, each is assigned a percentage of that fault up to 100%. Any injured party found 51% or more at fault is barred from monetary recovery.

    If an injured party is less than 51% responsible for the accident, any damages award is reduced by their percentage of fault.

    For example:

    • An injured driver is awarded $100,000;
    • That driver is found to be 40% at-fault for the accident;
    • Their award is reduced by $40,000; and
    • They receive a modified award of $60,000.

    Modified comparative fault prevents drivers who are primarily at fault for accidents from recovering monetary damages from their less liable counterparts.

    A liable party may avoid responsibility for severe injuries when the injured party failed to wear a seat belt. Seat belt use is required by Texas law and failure to wear a seat belt can exacerbate accident injuries.

  • Compensation Available in a Dallas Car Accident

    Car accident claims are filed with a liable party’s insurance company. Experienced car accident attorneys file claims on behalf of their clients as well as demand letters for current and future accident-related compensation.

    Attorneys thoroughly assess and investigate all aspects of an auto accident to determine a proper demand amount and solidify a client’s claim. While every motor vehicle accident is unique, the following categories of damages are common in all personal injury claims:

    • Economic damages. Economic damages are quantifiable expenses and monetary losses evidenced by receipts and bills;
    • Non-economic damages. These have undefinable costs and are personal to the victim; and
    • Punitive damages. Punitive damages are rare and are meant to punish or set an example of a responsible party not to award a victim. These are court-awarded damages.

    Economic Damages

    Economic damages include current and future accident-related expenses. They include but are not limited to:

    • Doctor bills
    • Lost wages
    • Loss of earning potential
    • Physical therapy
    • Property damage

    Non-Economic Damages

    Non-economic damages are difficult to calculate but as real as economic damages. They vary but may include:

    • Pain and suffering;
    • Mental and emotional distress;
    • Disfigurement;
    • Loss of enjoyment of life; and
    • Loss of consortium.

    Punitive Damages

    Punitive damages, also known as exemplary damages, are awarded when an at-fault party acts with extreme recklessness or disregard for others.

  • Why Choose Mathias Raphael Pllc Accident & Injury Lawyers?

    Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers is truly dedicated to helping you obtain the compensation you need to cover the costly expenses associated with a Dallas car accident.

    Here’s why we’re the top choice for your legal representation:

    • We have a a history of successful outcomes in injury cases
    • Over 20 years of experience in the field of accident and injury law
    • We’ve successfully obtained tens of millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for our clients
    • We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you won’t pay any out-of-pocket fees for our services unless we win your case

    When you choose Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers, you’re choosing a legal team dedicated to your best interests.

    When you’re suffering due to injuries from a car wreck, it can be hard to focus and work on your car accident case. Let us do it for you so you can rest. Contact us today or give us a call at (903) 751-3489.

Dallas Car Accident FAQs

  • Do I Have to Report a Dallas Car Accident to the Police?

    According to Texas Law Sec. 550.062., you have to report any Dallas car accident if there are injuries or if the damage to one or both vehicles is over $1,000.
  • How long do I have to file a car accident claim in Dallas?

    The statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim in Texas is generally two years from the date of the accident. However, it’s advisable to consult a Dallas car accident attorney promptly to ensure you meet all necessary deadlines.
  • How Can I Avoid Potential Insurance Pitfalls After a Car Accident in Dallas?

    To steer clear of potential insurance pitfalls, it’s important to remember that insurance companies are focused on their bottom line. They aim to minimize payouts in order to save money. Avoid providing a recorded statement without seeking legal advice first. Also, take the time to meticulously review any settlement offers that come your way. Properly documenting your injuries and expenses is crucial. To ensure your rights are well-protected during the claims process, it’s highly recommended to consult with a car wreck lawyer who comprehends the intricacies of the system.
  • Can Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers Attorneys Deal with Insurance Companies on My Behalf?

    Yes, our attorneys are adept at handling all interactions with insurance companies for your Dallas car accident case. We understand the tactics used by insurance companies and can protect your rights while negotiating to secure fair compensation.
  • How can I schedule a consultation with Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers’s Dallas car accident attorneys?

    Scheduling a consultation is simple. You can through our website or call our office directly at (469) 689-0200. We offer free consultations where we’ll discuss the details of your case, answer your questions, and provide personalized guidance for moving forward with your Dallas car accident claim.

    "Attorney Raphael & Attorney Mathias are both very forthcoming & handle each case with care!"
    I have worked with this office on many different life care plans for personal injury cases and each time it’s been wonderful. Attorney Raphael and Attorney Mathias are both very forthcoming and handle each case with care. I would definitely recommend them!
    - Brandy C.
    "Damon took my case when others would not consider it."

    Damon is the one attorney who took my case when others would not consider it. He is good at explaining the next steps and possible outcomes. Professionalism shows through in all he does. I recommend him for your legal matter.

    - Carolyn
    "Mr. Mathias went above and beyond for me!"

    Mr. Mathias went above and beyond when I got in an automobile accident making the situation stress free. He allowed me to concentrate on getting a new vehicle and getting the appropriate treatment instead of worrying about medical bills and settlements.

    - James
    "Truly amazing attorney!"

    Truly amazing Attorney! This guy went above and beyond my expectations, from a broken wired up jaw. To a well deserved settlement. Thanks again!

    - S. Plowden
    "Better outcome than imagined."

    MR.LAW Accident & Injury Attorneys handled our case well and gave us a better outcome than we could have ever imagined. Thanks to Damon, Ori and their entire team!

    - Eric B.
    "Attorney Ori Raphael fights for you!"
    Ori gives it his all to fight for you!
    - Amir A
    "Hire these guys!"
    These guys are great! Ori really went above and beyond and every time I needed good advice or help, he was there for me.
    - R.J.
    "Mr. Raphael was very helpful and responsive to our needs!"
    Mr. Raphael was very helpful and responsive to our needs. He provided excellent service with polite,gentle and sensitive care,from the time he greeted us all through the process. I felt very confident trusting him with our case and he came through for us and got us more than we imagined.
    - Avi P.

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