Civil Justice Warriors

Personal Injury

What Does Premises Liability Really Mean?

If you’ve ever worked in food service, or even seen the “Caution Wet Floor” sign in a restaurant or other public place, you probably already have some idea of premises liability. These signs are put out to warn the building’s visitors of an unsafe or hazardous condition. If the owner of the building did not take this step and knew the floors…

What to Do After an Accident

Accidents happen every day. Merriam Webster defines an accident as any “unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance.” Spilling your orange juice can be an accident. Being late for a meeting can be an accident. There are even happy accidents. Some accidents, however, are more serious. If you get hurt because of someone else’s mistake, especially if your injury or loss is severe,…

The Legal Realities of Wrongful Death

In movies and television, when someone is killed by another, the police immediately investigate the crime and there is a courtroom trial right after the arrest. The answer is simple: guilty or not guilty. Additionally, the family’s peace of mind is based solely on the verdict of a dramatic criminal trial. In reality, the process is more complex. Criminal trials may not…

What House Bill 1693 Means for Your Medical Expenses

With all the national news right now, it can be easy to miss everything that’s happening with civil justice law right here in Texas. To that end, with the state legislature’s session having recently ended, our Dallas personal injury lawyers at Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers thought it would be a good time to discuss one in particular. Specifically, we’re…

When Is My Landlord Responsible for My Injuries?

When you live in an apartment, it’s possible to be exposed to a number of dangerous situations, depending on how well your landlord has maintained the building. In some cases, those who become injured on apartment premises can pursue a lawsuit against their negligent landlord, to recover for medical expenses, time off work, and other losses. However, it’s important to consult with…

Understanding the Texas Eggshell Skull Rule

If you have a pre-existing condition that aggravated your accident injuries, you may assume that you don’t have a shot at recovering compensation. Fortunately, there’s a principle in Texas civil law that allows you to pursue a personal injury lawsuit even with a prior condition. This is known as the eggshell skull rule, or the “thin skull rule” in some jurisdictions. The…

Dealing with Aggressive Drivers & Road Rage

Though it may just seem like a term for someone in a rush, road rage is extreme. Simply put, it can cost the lives of innocent people. Many recognize the experience of driving according to traffic laws when suddenly, a vehicle dangerously speed past as the driver furiously honks and spews profanities. Despite being a safe and aware driver, you cannot predict…

What is the 3-Second Rule?

Of the millions of people on the road, not everyone drives safely and responsibly. Unfortunately, you cannot rely on others to uphold optimal or even acceptable standards of safety. Studies have shown the majority of car accidents happen in under 3 seconds. When you are traveling at high speeds, this may as well be faster than the speed of light for the…

It’s National Brain Injury Awareness Month: Here’s What You Need to Know

The Brain Injury Association of America, or BIAA, has declared March Brain Injury Awareness Month. As a part of their Change Your Mind Campaign, the BIAA is devoting their efforts this month to de-stigmatizing brain injuries through community outreach, empowering survivors of brain injuries as well as their caregivers, and promoting support for patients living with brain injuries. As Dallas traumatic brain…

Can I Sue For Defective Pharmaceutical Products?

If you or someone you know, has recently been injured by a defective pharmaceutical product, you may be wondering if it’s possible to file a lawsuit, and if so, against whom. Fortunately, the Dallas product liability attorneys at Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers have all the answers you need. Read on to learn more, and contact Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident…