Civil Justice Warriors


Why UIM/UM Coverage Is Important

Texas is an at-fault insurance state, which means if people get into a car accident, typically one or the other driver is “at fault” in the crash. Some states are “no fault”—each person involved must rely on his or her own auto insurance to cover all damages for himself or herself, even if the other driver was responsible. However, Texas assigns fault…

Employers Opting Out of Workers’ Comp

Most states in the country require companies to provide workers’ compensation to employees injured on the jobs. However, Texas does not. Texas allows companies to opt out of workers’ comp and replace it with their own regulations. New employees also might not know what they’ve signed up for with all the new-hire paperwork they get handed until they actually get injured. For…

Safety Tips for Motorcycle Riders

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a motorcycle rider who doesn’t love their bike almost as much as their life itself. However, many riders will place their lives at an increased risk by ignoring or avoiding important safety protocols. A motorcycle accident can cause serious injuries that can impact you for the rest of your life, so it’s important to protect yourself against…

Can I Sue for a Dog Bite in Texas?

If you were recently attacked or bitten by a dog and suffered serious injury in Texas, it is imperative to understand the state’s rules when it comes to a dog owner’s civil liability. Unlike most states, Texas does not have a statute which specifically covers a dog owner’s responsibility for damages caused by their pet biting another person. However, a victim can…

Causes of Jackknife Accidents

The sight of a tractor-trailer swinging towards you sideways is one of the most terrifying sights you can imagine. This is called a jackknife accident, and they are the unfortunate cause of numerous serious injuries every year. Jackknifing is the term for when a tractor-trailer loses traction and careens out of control, often dragging the truck itself with it due to its…

An Out-of-State Driver Injured Me. Is My Accident Different?

Getting into a car accident can be frustrating, especially if an out-of-state driver operated the other vehicle that hit you. Why would it be more frustrating? Not many people know this, but insurance minimums are different between states. In places that have a lot of tourist appeal and see tons of traffic moving in and out of the state—like Texas—it is common…

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

Nobody knows when they are going to be in an accident, so there is no real way to plan for it. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for when it does occur. At Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers, our Dallas personal injury attorneys represent all kinds of motorcycle accidents and accident injury cases. We know what to look…

Don’t Post about Your Injury on Social Media

We live in a society constantly sharing everything they do on social media. It’s natural to want to share your personal injury story on social media, but our Dallas personal injury attorney advises you not to refrain. Sharing your personal injury story could have a serious negative impact on your case. Below are some reasons you should never share your injury on…

Why You Need to See a Doctor After an Accident

If you’ve just been involved in a car accident, your first reaction is usually to make sure you don’t feel any pain or injuries. If your car accident was minor, you might not notice your injuries right away and decline medical treatment. You discover weeks after your accident, that you were injured; you just didn’t notice the symptoms right away. This situation…

Kits to Have in Your Car

Drivers are often reluctant to take adequate safety measures in order to be prepared whenever problems occur on the road. Their trunks are barren, they possess no supplies, and if their vehicle experiences a breakdown of some sort, they may be stranded for a while until help arrives. If a disaster happens on the road, a little preparation can go a long…