Civil Justice Warriors

Firm News

Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer During a Free Consultation

One of the most important steps you must take after suffering an injury caused by another person’s negligence or recklessness is hiring a personal injury attorney in Dallas to help you recover your entitled compensation. Fortunately, most lawyers offer prospective clients a free initial consultation to discuss their claims. Since the outcome of your personal injury lawsuit will impact the rest of your…

Why You Shouldn’t Accept the First Settlement Offer

If you have recently been injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you may be dealing with his/her insurance company after filing a claim. It is not uncommon for the insurer to offer you an initial settlement within a few weeks or even days to resolve the case. Financially, you may benefit from using the money to pay for your medical expenses, property…

Why You Should Never Apologize After a Car Accident

Many of us are taught that it is polite to apologize any time we accidentally hurt or inconvenience someone else – no matter who was to blame for the incident. But when it comes to car accidents, saying sorry can do more harm than good. Here are a few reasons why you should never say sorry after a car accident:  Apologizing can…

How to Take Photos of a Car Accident Scene

Gathering evidence after a car accident is one of the most important steps you must take to preserve an accurate depiction of the scene and protect your right to file an auto insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. The best way to do so is to take photographs of every detail of the collision. Fortunately, most of our smartphones are equipped with cameras to document the aftermath of a…

Do You Need to Call the Police After a Texas Car Accident?

After being involved in a car accident, there are several steps you must take to protect your health and well-being, as well as your right to seek compensation for the damages you suffered. One important step is to call the police to the scene of the collision. In Texas, it is your legal obligation to report a crash to police if there is an injury, death,…

Punitive Damages in Texas

When you file a personal injury lawsuit in Dallas, Texas, you may be eligible for economic damages or non-economic damages. Economic damages may include: Medical expenses Lost wages Property damage And more Non-Economic damages may include: Pain and suffering Emotional distress Loss of companionship and consortium And more But in some cases, however, the law allows injured parties (plaintiff) to also seek “punitive…

Biden Signs Executive Order to Preserve DACA

President Joe Biden signed an executive order to “preserve and fortify” the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program on January 20, 2021 – his first day of office.   Introduced by President Barack in 2012, this program protects hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who have arrived in the United States as young children from deportation and ensures they continue living and working in the country.  To be eligible…

The Dangers of Fatigued Driving

Drowsy or fatigued driving is a serious issue in the United States. According to a 2017 report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), driving while tired was the cause of approximately 91,000 car accidents, 50,000 injuries, and 795 deaths. Unfortunately, many people have driven while sleepy. An AAA survey said nearly a third of people on the road have driven while so tired…

Why Is There a Class-Action Lawsuit Against Robinhood?

According to online traders and more than 30 civil complaints, the Robinhood trading app manipulated the stock market and deprived its users of major wins when it suspended the trading of certain stocks. One man filed a class-action lawsuit against Robinhood, and several others followed in his footsteps. Now, as of February 2, 2021, Robinhood is facing a total of 34 civil…

Who Can Be Held Responsible for a Truck Accident

Commercial truck accidents are often serious in nature. Since these vehicles such as semi-trucks and tractor-trailers are huge in size and weight, a collision with a non-commercial passenger vehicle can be quite devastating, typically leading to catastrophic and fatal injuries. Another major difference between commercial truck accidents and crashes involving only passenger vehicles is that more than one party may be potentially at fault for the collision….