Civil Justice Warriors

Dallas Catastrophic Injury Attorney

Injuries are a part of life. Every day there is a chance we will suffer from cuts, bumps, and bruises. While these injuries require a short amount of time to heal, there are others that are devastating and can change a person’s life forever.

A catastrophic injury can permanently change the path of a victim’s life. Victims can suffer great pain that alters their ability to work, engage in leisure activities, or even care for their children. Catastrophic injuries can also create great mental anguish and long-term emotional and psychological complications. If you or a loved one has been injured, contact a Dallas catastrophic injury lawyer.

Catastrophic Injuries Can Be Life Changing

Whenever someone suffers a catastrophic injury in Dallas, he or she may never completely heal. Most of these injuries occur due to the negligent and reckless actions of another party.

Catastrophic injuries are highly litigated due to the hesitancy of the accused to pay the high amount of damages needed to compensate victims. Insurance companies may pressure victims into quick settlements to keep their costs down but the reality is that the amount of money a victim accepts could very well be their primary source of income for the rest of their life. A Dallas personal injury attorney at Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers today so that you can get the compensation you deserve.

What are the Causes of Catastrophic Injuries

While accidents seem like far-off events during the course of our regular day-to-day, freak accidents occur more commonly than expected. As the pace of life continues to ramp up, the opportunity for increased exposure to negligent accidents increases.

Common causes of catastrophic injuries include:

No matter what the cause of your accident is, survivors are left with long-term, life-changing consequences. Some injuries can be as severe as paralysis. Chronic pain, length of rehabilitation, an inability to work, and emotional disturbance are frequently seen in survivors.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury because of another party’s negligence, our Dallas catastrophic injury attorney is dedicated to helping you recover your entitled compensation. We possess extensive knowledge of the Texas laws and court proceedings related to these types of cases.

Catastrophic Injuries from Car Accidents

In the realm of personal injury, few incidents have the potential to disrupt lives as significantly as catastrophic injuries resulting from car accidents. These injuries encompass a range of severe physical, emotional, and financial consequences that can have a lasting impact on victims and their families. From traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord damage to amputations and permanent disabilities, the ramifications of catastrophic injuries can be both immediate and enduring.

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident that leads to catastrophic injuries demands the expertise of skilled legal professionals. This is where a dedicated Dallas car accident attorney can make a crucial difference. With an in-depth understanding of personal injury law and a wealth of experience handling complex cases, a proficient attorney can provide the guidance, support, and advocacy necessary to secure the compensation needed to move forward.

What are the Types of Catastrophic Injuries

The majority of these accidents which result in debilitating injuries are typically those which could’ve been easily avoided if adequate safety measures had been practiced. Along with the person suffering the injury, their loved ones must endure the tragedy with them by providing constant care and sacrificing their time and finances.

Common types of catastrophic injuries include:

  • Spinal cord injuries – Injuries to the spinal vertebrae can cause severe debilitation which can result in partial limb loss or paralysis. Damage to the portion near the end of the spinal canal (cauda equina) can result in permanent alteration in strength, sensation, and other bodily functions in the lower half of the body.
  • Nerve Damage – Peripheral neuropathy, or nerve damage to the extremities of the body, can result in other nervous injury similar to spinal cord injuries but localized to a certain portion of the body. Most common, loss of function in the arms, hands, legs, and feet are associated with peripheral neuropathy.
  • Traumatic brain injuries – Resulting from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body, it can lead increased sensitivity to light and noise, memory loss, attention deficit issues and depression.
  • Paralysis – The complete loss of muscular function in a specific area of the body is known as paralysis. Paralysis occurs when the transmission of nervous signals between the brain and the muscular system is disrupted.
  • Burns, scarring, and disfigurement – burn injuries can be both physically disfiguring and emotionally traumatizing.
  • Amputation – Typically occurs with workers who operate heavy machinery, a mistake involving this type of equipment can sever the limb or badly cut a worker. Long-term effects include “phantom limb” occurrences, persistent pain, and psychological distress from the alteration in normal life.
  • Crushing injuries – A regular occurrence in the construction industry as a result of being caught in between two heavy objects. Crushed limbs or torso due to prolonged compression can have major damage including harm to the soft tissues, muscles, and nerves.
  • Blunt force trauma – The forcible impact of an object to a particular region of the body can cause severe, often life-changing injuries.
  • Eye injuries and vision loss – Damage done to the eye which forever impairs an individual’s ability to see. Other damage to the nervous system can result in other sensory loss, such as loss of hearing. These injuries are known as “multi-sensory impairment” or “dual sensory loss”
  • Facial injury – Injuries to the mouth, face, and jaw can vary from lacerations to more serious injuries, such as shattered teeth and face bones. The lower or higher jaw, palate, cheeks, and eye sockets can all be affected by bone fractures.
  • Birth injury – Physical injuries that occur during erroneous childbirth can damage both the mother and the infant. A birth injury, also known as “neonatal delivery trauma”, in a newborn baby can range from bruises to a shattered bone.
  • Paraplegia/Quadriplegia – Extreme paralysis that leads to total nonfunction in a certain half of the body or in the entire body.

Contact a Dallas Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

The impact of a catastrophic injury on an individual’s life cannot be overstated. The amount of medical expenses that an individual incurs over the next years can be devastating, added to the lost wages from the inability to work. Victims of negligence deserve the highest compensation to account for their forever life-altering injuries.

At Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers, we are committed to recovering the compensation you deserve while you recover from your injuries. Despite how challenging this obstacle may seem, our Dallas catastrophic injury lawyers won’t hesitate to take on even the most complex cases.

Contact us today for your free consultation so we can start fighting for the justice you deserve.