Civil Justice Warriors


Take a Second Look at Your Hand Sanitizer – It Could Be Toxic

On July 19, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled less than 10 Eskbiochem hand sanitizers for methanol contamination. By August 12, the FDA’s list of contaminated hand sanitizers had grown to 149 products – and it continues to grow every day. As of August 13, even, the list contained 157 entries. Now, methanol contamination is not the only concern…

Shocking Dallas Road Rage Incident Caught On Tape

A fender-bender on a busy Dallas highway quickly spun out of control at around 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 15. A black and white Ford Crown Victoria rear-ended a truck and continued driving. About ¼ mile down the road (westbound on 1-20 at 1-35 in Dallas County), the Ford broke down and the maroon truck involved in the accident pulled over. The…