Civil Justice Warriors

Do You Need to Call the Police After a Texas Car Accident?

After being involved in a car accident, there are several steps you must take to protect your health and well-being, as well as your right to seek compensation for the damages you suffered. One important step is to call the police to the scene of the collision.

In Texas, it is your legal obligation to report a crash to police if there is an injury, death, or property damage of more than $1,000. Failure to report a serious accident to law enforcement officials can result in imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $5,000.

If a police officer arrives at the scene, he/she can investigate the accident, collect personal information from each party, interview all parties involved and witnesses, determine who is at fault for the collision, and call emergency services if necessary.

Officers must file a report within ten (10) days after the date of the collision. You should be able to obtain a copy within five (5) to eight (8) days after the officer files the report.

Even if a car accident involves no injury and damage less than $1,000, you must still file an accident report – CR-2 Crash Report (Blue Form) – with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) within ten (10) days of the collision unless you are physically unable to do so. Failure to report a crash to TxDOT carries a maximum fine of $25 and driver’s license suspension until you file a report or 30 days after the date you are supposed to file a report.

But whether you are involved in a serious or relatively minor car accident, you should always call the police to the scene. The police report is one of the most important pieces of evidence in an auto insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit because it is an official document from an unbiased third party.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a car accident in Dallas or Houston, contact Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers today at (214) 739-0100 for a free initial consultation. Millions of dollars in damages recovered on behalf of our clients!