Civil Justice Warriors

Labor Day: Perks and Problems

This year, Labor Day falls on Monday, September 2nd. While the holiday can be a fun time for travel and celebration, it can also lead to dangers on the road. If you’re planning to travel, or even if you’re staying in for a family BBQ, a few tips and tricks can make your holiday as fun and safe as possible.

Safety Tips for Your Trip

If you are heading out on the open road, there are a few steps you can take to avoid car accidents in Dallas.

  • Plan ahead – Planning your route ahead of time can help you eliminate the need for a distracting GPS device. Checking your vehicle to make sure it’s prepared for a trip can also help avoid any accidents that may arise from a blown tire or other mechanical issue.
  • Leave early – If you plan extra time for your journey, you’ll be less likely to rush or drive above the speed limit and more likely to drive safely.
  • Stay awake and alert – Extra time can also give you flexibility for frequent stops. On the road, coffee can go a long way! Plus, you never know when other drivers are going to make a mistake.
  • Avoid driving at night – according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the majority of drunk drivers are on the road between midnight and 3 a.m. Fatal crashes are also four times more likely to happen at night.
  • Never, under any circumstances, drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Stay Safe at Home

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has found that the second deadliest day for driving is September 2nd, so staying home already increases your chances for a safe holiday. That being said, there are a few precautions you can take to avoid injuries on Labor Day.

  • Use fireworks safely – Never allow children to handle fireworks and make sure you’re sober when fireworks are in use. Make sure to follow Texas regulations.
  • Drink in moderation – alcohol affects our decision-making, reaction time, and vision. Try to pace yourself and ask for help if you get too intoxicated.
  • Prevent food poisoning – wash your hands before and after handling raw meat and serve perishable items over ice.
  • Drink water and wear sunscreen!

While you can control your own actions and take precautions to avoid injuries, it is important to remember that we don’t control the actions of others. If you are injured by someone else, our Dallas personal injury attorneys at Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers are here for you. Enjoy your holiday and don’t hesitate to call us at (214) 739-0100 if something goes wrong. We are always available for a free case evaluation.