Civil Justice Warriors


3 Ways to Resolve a Business Dispute Without Going Bankrupt

If you are a small business owner, the prospect of going to court over a breach of contract, employee dispute, or other legal quarrel may seem daunting. The reality is that, even if the other party has wronged your business and is directly responsible for damages and financial losses, a court battle can create hefty costs to you and your business, both…

Driver Awarded for Neck and Back Injuries

One of our clients was recently awarded damages after his car accident. The case began when our client, Omar Rios, was driving in Dallas and was rear-ended by the defendant, Anthony Davis. Rios sustained sprains, strains, and a herniation/protrusion at the L5-S1 vertebra. As a result of the injury, Rios needed to undergo extensive physical therapy and chiropractic care. The defense argued…

Understanding Intellectual Property and Copyright Ownership

In the age of copy-and-paste, anything can be scattered all over the Internet in a matter of minutes. It can be very difficult to establish original ownership of an idea, design, work of art, or other product once it has been disseminated or copied by other people. Violation of copyright and intellectual property rights can be particularly harmful for artists, musicians, writers,…

Mathias Raphael PLLC Accident & Injury Lawyers Succeeds in Dhan Case

In one of our recent court victories, the judge ruled in favor of our client, Simon Dhan, in his case against defendants Jarvis Johnson and Tyshae Johnson. The court case began on December 12, 2017. The court determined it had jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of the situation. Both sides waived trial by jury, which means they submitted all arguments…